Friday, October 24, 2008

Down with stupid men

As a disclaimer, this is NOT about all men. Lots of men, in fact most of them, are lovely individuals about whom I could say nothing bad. I have many male friends, family members and acquaintances I would gladly crack some skulls for.
This is about the small subset of men known as Stupid Men. You all know some. You've probably dated (or "dated") some.
There are two men in particular out there who are in big trouble this week, who did very unacceptable things to two very lovely young ladies. I won't give any more details in order to protect confidences. But rest assured that you have incurred my wrath. And as my golf instructor back at Tower Tee in St. Louis County told me, I have "pent-up aggression". So the receiving end of my wrath is not a place you want to be.
That is all.

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